Velta Pocs & Carmen Augelli
Carmen 815-262-0313 Velta 815-262-9283
Carmen 815-231-8215 Velta 815-231-8216


We started our Customer Care Program as a service to our clients to provide a list of contractors and vendors with whom we have established trusted relationships with. Over the years the list has grown and now supports almost every aspect of home ownership.

The Customer Care Program is continually being updated by our team. To be included to the Customer Care Program, a service provider must be referred by a team member or one of our clients. They must prove themselves to be professional, provide quality craftsmanship and complete their service in a timely manner and at a reasonable rate. We strive to maintain the high standards of the Customer Care Program. Therefore we ask that anyone submitting a candidate to be added to the program have first hand knowledge that the service provider meets the programs standards.

Should a service provider fail to maintain the high standards of the Customer Care Program their participation in the program shall be terminated.

Home Team Rockford suggests before contracting with any of the following service providers to ask for references, have all services and or materials to be used documented, and compare these documents with other providers of similar services.

Home Team Rockford does not assume responsibility for any of the service providers in the program, nor have any financial interest in their companies.